Spokane Valley Archery
Four Visit Shooting Package
Now on SALE for $73.00
20% off -- SAVE $19.00
Regularly $92.00
Four Daily Range Fees at $15.00 | $60.00 |
Four Daily Equipment Rentals at $8.00 | $32.00 |
Expires in 1 year | ---------- |
TOTAL Value | $92.00 |
Call 509-924-3364
30 minute Private Lesson for up to 4 people.
Now on SALE for $97.00
20% off -- SAVE $25.00
Regularly $122.00
30 Minute Instruction Time | $30.00 |
Four Daily Range Fees at $15.00 | $60.00 |
Four Daily Equipment Rentals at $8.00 | $32.00 |
Expires in 6 months | ---------- |
TOTAL Value | $122.00 |
"Shoot remaining of the day."
Reservation Required
Call 509-924-3364
Introduction to Archery
Saturday 10:30 AM-- 11:30 AM
You must Register and
Prepay for this class.
This class is required before
JOAD or Beginner Leagues.
Spokane Valley Archery is offering an
instructional program for beginners
and experts of all ages, who are interested
in the sport of archery. Whether it is
bowhunting or target archery you are
interested in, you are invited to come
and join our program.
We have several Level II United States Archery Association
certified coaches
to instruct you in the following areas:
- Archery Safety
- Recurves or your own equipment
- Standard Range Setup (Indoor and Outdoor)
- Shooting Techniques
- Advanced Alignment and Instructions
- Balloons at end of class
This class will meet one day a week for as long as you want to enhance your ability.
We allow six weeks to shoot 4 one hour classes.
Closed on holidays.
The cost of Introduction to Archery class
$30.00 for a 1 hour class
Includes equipment rental and an
opportunity to try different
recurve bows.
Spokane Valley Archery
3809 South Linke Road
Greenacres, WA 99016
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