Send EMAIL to
Spokane Valley Archery

Click image for
Introduction to Archery

Rental Bows

to fit any individual

Click image to see
the Barbados Sheep

to reserve a spot!

3809 South Linke Road,
Greenacres, WA 99016



Spokane Valley Archery

Why should I buy at Spokane Valley Archery?
(Over $300.00 worth of)

There are a lot of options out there when you are
looking for a new bow today. It is important to weigh all your options
and look into all the costs before making a decision on where to purchase your new bow.
Spokane Valley Archery would like you to take a minute and read the
following information that informs you of what services and benefits are included
with your new purchase when you buy from us.

 1. We offer you your first year's membership at our facility at 1/2 the regular price for a yearly membership Single/Family. $120.00 / $180.00
 2. At your request we will assist you in all of your paper tuning and 20 yard sight in needs. $35.00
 3. We will service and warranty any repairs needed for as long as you own the bow.
 4. We will include your first axle lube on your bow within one year of purchase free. $30.00
 5. All installation fees except fall away installation are no charge at the time of purchase, including adjusting your peep to fit you and adjusting your draw length. $40.00
 6. We will determine the correct spine arrow for your new bow setup.
 7. We will laser align your cams and set optimum cam position. $20.00
 8. We will install your silencing kit a no charge. $10.00
 9. Your choice of free intro class or free shoot pass. $15.00
10. We will tune you and your Recurve for 20 yards. $40.00
11. We will speed turn your bow for 1/2 price. $10.00
12. Your first tune up will be 1/2 price. $15.00
13. We will machine tune your bow for 1/2 price. $20.00
14. We will broad head tune your bow for 1/2 price. $15.00
15. We will computer set your sights marks for 1/2 price. $10.00
* BUYING A SINGLE MEMBERSHIP 1/2 PRICE $120.00 Total $380.00
* BUYING A FAMILY MEMBERSHIP 1/2 PRICE $180.00 Total $440.00

#1 Biggest added value we offer is if you have a problem during hunting season we
will solve it and get you hunting as soon as possible even if we have to borrow
what you need from another bow in stock.

You can't put a dollar amount on that ... it's priceless!

Spokane Valley Archery
3809 South Linke Road
Greenacres, WA 99016


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